Yes! To send an order as a gift to a friend or family member, simply do the following:
- Select “Use a new address” at checkout and fill out your friend or family member’s name and address information.
- Select “This is a gift” and write your special gift message. Leave your name so your recipient knows who to thank for their healthy goodies.
- If you don’t want your recipient to see prices on the packing slip, be sure “Hide prices on invoice” is checked off.
- Gift wrapping or special packaging is not available.
- We do not offer gift cards or gift certificates at this time, but we hope to offer this feature in the near future.
- For international orders, hidden prices will not impact Customs documentation. (Prices will only be hidden on the internal packing slip.)
- All order updates (order confirmation, ship confirmation, etc.) will be sent to the purchaser’s email account.